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Clowning, Special Needs and Clowning As a Special Need
An article by Laura Geilen describing her experiences in clowning and in working with special needs.
More than clowning around Written by Dr. David Wheeler in the British Medical Journal - 04 Jun 2008
David Wheeler gives a GP’s view of clown improvisation workshops and tells how they have helped him to cope with the emotional workload of everyday consultations
Notes to the Theme of “Building a Community of Learners”
Written by Robert McNeer. The following article is based on a speech given by the author in November, 2007, at the “English Week”, an annual international conference of English language teachers at Steiner Schools held in Altenberg, Germany. The conference theme was “Building Communities of Learners in Waldorf Education”.
The Art of Foreign Language Teaching Book written by Peter Lutzker
Directing in the Moment
Penny Tompkins and James Lawley
Wild Margins playing at work and lifePhD written by Chris Seeley
Clowning and the heart of teachingArticle written by Catherine Bryden
Published in Humanistic Language Teaching and in Steiner Education (Spring 2005)
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Serious Clowning: an interview with Dr. David McGavinInterview published in Autumn 2004 in the anthroposophical magazine New View.
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On clowning and learning how to be a GP: Interview with Dr. David Wheeler
Dr. David Wheeler is a GP and trains doctors in consultation skills at the Greenwich VTS in southeast London. Receive as email in Pdf file format. 4150 words
A conversation with Rob Leiper around psychotherapy and clowning.
Rob Leiper is a Clinical and Counselling Psychologist and a Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist.
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usa - rudolf steiner institute 2002: the clown in me, understanding clown rulesArticle written by Sheridan Hill - This is a link to her website. The article also appeared in the magazine Lilipo in Summer 2003.
German article: lehrer-rundbrief no 72 - june 2001 phantasie in der sprachlehrerausbildungArticle written by Siegmund Baldszun after a clown workshop at the Stuttgart Waldorf Pedagogic Institute 530 words
gp journal: discover your clown within
Article published on 7 September 2001 in The GP Journal by Dr. David Wheeler. 1000 words
clowning and the imaginationArticle published in December 1996 in "Pratiques Corporelles" and written by Jean-Bernard BONANGE. Adapted and translated from the French by Vivian GLADWELL. 3200 words
LE TRAVAIL DU CLOWN: Un outil de formation pour les enseignants en langue de spécialité.CLOWNING: A tool pour training teachers of English for Special Purposes
French document - M.A. thesis from Bordeaux University written in 1995 by Vivian Gladwell
Research proposal for using clowning in the training of language teachers – an account and theoretical examination of the experience of working with Waldorf English language teachers in Germany. Receive as email in Pdf file format. - 17000 words.
looking for your clown ... and finding yourselfArticle published in 1984 in "ART ET THERAPIE" and written by Bertil SYLVANDER.Adapted and translated from the French by Vivian GLADWELL
4000 words